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SULFURYL fluoride SO2F2

Muaj Gases

SULFURYL fluoride SO2F2

CAS Nr .: 2699-79-8
EINECS No.: 220-281-5
UN No.: UN 2191
DOT Chav Kawm: 2.3
Purity: 99%, 99.9%
Standard Ntim: 40L, 50L lub tog raj kheej
Molecular Luj: 102.06 g / mol
Qhov ceev: 3.72 Kg / m³
Chemical Property: Poisonous Gases
Standard Qib: Industrial Qib

    Kev piav qhia

    Sulfuryl fluorideyog ib qho inorganic compound nrog cov tshuaj formula SO2F2. Nyob rau hauv chav tsev kub thiab siab, nws yog ib qho tsis muaj xim, tsis muaj ntxhiab thiab muaj kuab lom. Me ntsis soluble hauv dej, soluble hauv ethanol, benzene, carbon tetrachloride. Chemically inert, tsis decompose ntawm qhov kub thiab txias, tseem ruaj khov ntawm 400 ° C, thiab tsis heev reactive. Nws maj mam hydrolyzed nyob rau hauv caustic aqueous tov, thiab ua sai sai nyob rau hauv potassium hydroxide ethanol tov kom tau sulfuric acid thiab poov tshuaj fluoride. Ammonia hydrolysis kom tau txais thioamide.

    Khoom ntsiab lus



    Cov ntsiab lus dej,%

    0.02 ib

    Tus nqi PH

    3.0-7.0 Nws

    Ntim & Shipping


    SULFURYL fluoride SO2F2

    Pob Loj

    40Ltr Lub tog raj kheej

    50Ltr Lub tog raj kheej


    Filling Net Nyhav / Cyl

    40 kgs

    50 kgs

    QTY Loaded hauv 20'Container

    240 hli

    200 hli

    Lub tog raj kheej Tare Nyhav

    4 5kgs

    5 5kgs



    Daim ntawv thov

    Sulfuryl fluoride feem ntau yog siv rau fumigation ntawm lub tsev, tsheb thiab nkoj thiab cov khoom ntoo, kev tiv thaiv thiab kev tswj ntawm termites, kab laum, domestic beetles, nas, thiab lwm yam.
    Sulfuryl fluoride kuj tau siv dav hauv paj rwb, txhob lo lo ntxhuav, tshuaj fiber ntau fabrics, tawv, Suav tshuaj cov ntaub ntawv, luam yeeb, xyoob thiab ntoo, handicrafts, kab lis kev cai relics thiab archives thiab lwm yam warehouses ntawm tshuaj tua kab.